Remove Duplicate Gene Entries The purpose. of this function is to pull info from a synapse table into a dataframe. Removal can be of all entries with a lower score in a given column or entries which lack the desired ensg

vertex_annotate(df, ig_net, v_col, default_value = 0)



the data frame contain the vertex ids as renames


the network to annotate


the column name of the feature become vertex attribute


default vertex values if not present in df default = 0


an annotated igraph network object


if (FALSE) { data(slim_net, package = "igraphNetworkExpansion") syn <- log_into_synapse() omics_scores <- dplyr::left_join( table_pull( syn_id ='syn25575156', feature_name = 'GeneName', features = names(igraph::V(net)), column_names = c('ENSG', 'OmicsScore', 'GeneticsScore', 'Logsdon'), synap_import = syn$synapse ), table_pull( syn_id ='syn22758536', feature_name = 'GName', features = names(igraph::V(net)), column_names = c('ENSG', 'GName', 'RNA_TE', 'Pro_TE'), synap_import = syn$synapse ), by = 'ENSG' ) colnames(omics_scores)[ colnames(omics_scores) == 'Logsdon' ] <- 'Overall' omics_scores <- rm_dups( df = omics_scores, feature_col = 'GName', feature = 'POLR2J3', type = 'value', type_spec = 'Overall' , ensg_keep = NULL ) omics_scores <- rm_dups( df = omics_scores, feature_col = 'GName', feature = "FCGBP", type = 'ensg', type_spec = 'ENSG' , ensg_keep = 'ENSG00000281123' ) omics_scores <- omics_scores[ !($GName)), ] row.names(omics_scores) <- omics_scores$GName net <- vertex_annotate( omics_scores, slim_net, "Overall", default_value = 0 ) }