This function takes a path trace object from short_paths() and transforms it into the list of genes to keep for the sub network generation.
path_obj | path trace object from short_paths() |
a list of genes from the path trace to use for filtering the main network
obj <- list(list( Inter = c("GeneA","GeneZ", "GeneAlpha", "GeneB", "GeneX", "GeneOmega", "Gene1","Gene2", "GeneUno", "Gene12", "Gene13", "GeneOcho"), Sentinal = c("GeneEh","GeneZee", "GeneAlpha", "GeneB", "GeneXray", "GeneOmega", "Gene11","Gene21", "GeneUno", "Gene1", "Gene3", "GeneOcho") )) trace_filter(obj)#> [1] "GeneAlpha" "GeneB" "GeneOmega" "GeneUno" "Gene1" "GeneOcho"