A Full Template network to use for testing and examples. All protein-protein interactions in pathway commons for genes exressed in at least one tissue from AMP-AD transcriptomics data.
An igraph network object
protien interactions
The Vertex Gene Name
A Sample igraph Community designation for the vertex
A Sample Weight Value
A Sample RNA Phenotype Effect Score
A Sample Protien Phenotype Effect Score
A Sample RNA co-expression value
A Sample Protien co-expression value
The Edge Interaction Type
The From_vert:To_vert-Interaction_type unique identifier
The From_vertex:To_vertex identifier
The Pathway Commons data base(s) where this edge is found
How many interaction types are there between the two vertices across pathway commons databases
How many Data Bases across pathway commons record an interaction of anytype between the two vertices
Total amount of times these to vertices interact accross all pathway commons database and interaction types