Modified igraph plotting code to allow for changes in edge.arrow.width. Edge.arrow.size still not supported Code provided from: jevansbio/igraphhack Git User: jevansbio
# S3 method for igraph2 plot( x, axes = FALSE, add = FALSE, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), mark.groups = list(), mark.shape = 1/2, mark.col = grDevices::rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha = 0.3), mark.border = grDevices::rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha = 1), mark.expand = 15, ... )
x | The graph to plot. |
axes | Logical, whether to plot axes, defaults to FALSE. |
add | Logical scalar, whether to add the plot to the current device, or delete the device's current contents first. |
xlim | The limits for the horizontal axis, it is unlikely that you want to modify this. |
ylim | The limits for the vertical axis, it is unlikely that you want to modify this. |
mark.groups | A list of vertex id vectors. It is interpreted as a set of vertex groups. Each vertex group is highlighted, by plotting a colored smoothed polygon around and “under” it. See the arguments below to control the look of the polygons. |
mark.shape | A numeric scalar or vector. Controls the smoothness of the
vertex group marking polygons. This is basically the ‘shape’
parameter of the |
mark.col | A scalar or vector giving the colors of marking the
polygons, in any format accepted by |
mark.border | A scalar or vector giving the colors of the borders of
the vertex group marking polygons. If it is |
mark.expand | A numeric scalar or vector, the size of the border around the marked vertex groups. It is in the same units as the vertex sizes. If a vector is given, then different values are used for the different vertex groups. |
... | Additional plotting parameters. See igraph.plotting for the complete list. |